Alma Deals



We offer tailor-made financial advice to independent businesses and their shareholder executives.

We support leaders in their divestment, acquisition, and fundraising operations.

Our investment bank takes great pride in the positive feedback we receive from our clients. We believe in a personalized approach, working closely with business leaders and their organizations.

Our limited caseload ensures that each client receives individualized attention and dedicated service. We are known for our high success rate and take time to thoughtfully assess each unique situation before proceeding.

Our core values include independence, discretion, excellence, and a long-term, relationship-focused style of advising for business owners, families, investment funds, and corporations.



Business Services


Construction and Public Works

Personal Services

Our services

Our expertise

Alma Deals & Conseil supports you in every type of operation by implementing a suitable process that ensures dynamism and efficiency.


80% of the operations we conduct for our clients are business divestitures. We spent time with the business owner to optimize the upcoming transaction as much as possible.


We provide the business owner with a hunting team and a wide database that has been regularly updated for nearly 10 years.


For several years, we have maintained a significant network of investment funds, banks, family offices, and private investors...

Meet our team

Our experts at your service

Alexandre Aidoudi

President of Alma Deals, Ile-de-France.

“I hold a Master’s degree in organizational strategy and information systems consulting from Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University. I began my…”


Mission Director

“Radia joined Alma Deals & Conseils at the end of 2023 after working for three years as a mission manager in a national investment bank with…”


M&A Partner
Rhône Alpes - Sud Est

“At the age of 53, self-taught, but with 30 years of experience in the IT service industry, I started my career in 1991…”


M&A Partner
Sud Ouest

“I have a master’s degree from KEDGE Business School and have been working in the IT field for over 25 years. Initially, I worked as a sales engineer…”


M&A Partner
Grand Ouest

Régis, who is an engineer by profession, initially joined a large construction company. Later on, he was in search of projects centered around…

A national coverage

Alma Deals & Conseils has multiple locations throughout France, including

Paris, Rennes, Bordeaux, Nancy, Lyon, and Nice.

With a strong presence across various regions, they can leverage their extensive network to support your project needs.



A few feedback experiences from our clients - read what they have to say.

Alma Deals



We offer tailor-made financial advice to independent companies and their shareholders.



Business Services


Construction and Public Works

Personal Services

We assist managers in their disposals, acquisitions and fund-raising operations.

Our greatest source of pride is our numerous client testimonials. We provide a human-centered approach that is tailored closely to the needs of executives and their companies. We limit the number of cases we take on to ensure a highly personalized service with total dedication to our clients.

We are known for our very high success rate: we take time out to thoroughly consider each clients unique situation and needs before starting any process.

Our support for entrepreneurs, families, investment funds, and major corporations is built on independence, discretion, excellence, and a long-term relationship-based approach to advice, which has been the foundation of our services since our inception.”

Our services

Our expertise.

Alma Deals & Conseil guarantees a tailored and dynamic process to ensure efficiency regardless of the type of operation considered.


80% of our operations that we carry out for our clients are disposals. We spend time with the business owner in order to best optimize the upcoming operation.


We provide the business owner with a hunting team and a wide database that has been regularly updated for nearly 10 years.


For several years, we have been enriching a large network of investment funds, banks, family offices and private investors.

Meet our team

Our experts at your service

Alexandre Aidoudi

President of Alma Deals,

Graduated with a Master’s degree in Organization, Strategy and Information System at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Alexandre began his career as … 


Mission Director

Radia joined Alma Deals & Conseils at the end of 2023 after working for three years as a project manager in a Parisian investment bank. Radia is a graduate of Grenoble Ecole de Management… 


M&A Partner
Rhône-Alpes - Sud Est

Aged 53, self-taught but with 30 years of experience in the IT department, Frédéric started his career in 1991 with a software publisher Magic Software, before joining in 1996 the company AXIALOG …

Jean-Pierre CAPEL

M&A Partner
Sud Ouest

Graduated with a master’s degree from KEDGE Business School, Jean-Pierre has worked in the IT field for more than 25 years. First as a sales engineer, then a sales director, regional director…


M&A Partner
Grand Ouest

Régis initially joined a large construction group. Then, in search of projects built around men, he joined a regional SME specialized in roofing and waterproofing. Then, passionate about entrepreneurship …

A national coverage

Alma Deals & Conseils has a presence throughout the entire national territory through its numerous locations including

Paris, Rennes, Bordeaux, Nancy, Lyon and Nice.

With its many operations in various regions, Alma Deals & Conseils will provide you with its network to support your project.



Quelques retours d’expérience de nos clients - lisez ce qu’ils ont à vous dire

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Alexandre AIDOUDI

Président d'Alma Deals

Diplômé d’un Master 2 Conseil en organisation, stratégie et système d’informations à l’université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Alexandre a démarré sa carrière au sein du groupe Deloitte en tant que manager M&A responsable du département Origination.

Alexandre a ensuite découvert le monde de l’entreprise en dirigeant le département acquisition du groupe AFD TECH qui fait partie aujourd’hui d’Accenture.

Passionné par l’entrepreneurial, Alexandre a cofondé en juin 2018 une filiale dédiée aux opérations M&A au sein d’un cabinet d’expertise comptable membre du Réseau NEXIA International qu’il a dirigé pendant 5 ans.

Conscient que les relations humaines et l’indépendance sont clés dans son métier, Alexandre a décidé de prendre son indépendance et de créer ALMA DEALS & CONSEILS.

“Nous mettrons tout en œuvre pour vous assurer la meilleure opération possible qui est souvent celle d’une vie. L’entreprise fait partie de la famille, nous tâchons d’en prendre soin que ce soit pour vos projets de cession (majoritaire ou totale), d’acquisition ou de financement.”


Directrice de mission

Radia a rejoint Alma Deals & Conseils en fin d’année 2023 après avoir travaillé trois ans en tant que responsable de mission dans une banque d’affaires parisienne.

Radia est diplômée de Grenoble École de Management (Master spécialisé en Finance d’entreprise). De par ses expériences professionnelles passées, Radia vous assurera réactivité et proximité tout au long de votre projet.

Son parcours lui a apporté des connaissances approfondies en analyse financière et comptable. Des bases solides qu’elle saura mettre en oeuvre pour mener à bien vos projets. 

“Chez Alma Deals & Conseils, nous sommes conscients que vos projets sont ceux de toute une vie, nous veillerons à les concrétiser ensemble.”


Partenaire M&A
Rhône Alpes - Sud Est

Âgé de 53 ans, autodidacte mais avec 30 ans d’expérience dans les métiers du service informatique, Frédéric a démarré sa carrière en 1991 chez un éditeur de logiciel Magic Software, avant d’intégrer en 1996 la société AXIALOG à l’âge de 26 ans, où il a débuté comme ingénieur d’Affaires pour finir 15 ans plus tard comme directeur commercial du groupe sur la France entière et patron du Benelux en encadrant les 400 collaborateurs du groupe.

Après la vente d’AXIALOG en 2010, Frédéric décidait de créer sa propre société de services informatiques (ESN) ARBEN.

Présent sur Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, la région PACA et Bruxelles, ARBEN est monté jusqu’à 70 collaborateurs.

En 2019, après avoir rencontré Alexandre, Frédéric décidait de céder son entreprise à un grand groupe français AFD TECH.

3 ans après la vente de cette dernière, Frédéric se lance deux derniers grands défis.

Le premier est d’avoir créé une ESN qui s’appelle FENIIX et le deuxième est de se lancer aux côtés d’Alexandre dans les métiers du M&A avec une spécialisation pour l’acquisition et la vente de société dans la High-tech.

“Confiez-nous vos vies, confiez-nous vos projets d’acquisitions ou de vente, à nous de réaliser vos rêves”

Jean-Pierre CAPEL

Partenaire M&A
Rhône Alpes - Sud Ouest

Diplômé d’un master chez KEDGE Business School, Jean-Pierre travaille dans le domaine de l’IT depuis plus de 25 ans.

D’abord ingénieur commercial, puis directeur commercial, directeur régional et enfin dirigeant fondateur, Jean-Pierre a cédé sa société, créée en 2015.

Aujourd’hui consultant auprès de dirigeants dans différents domaines, et notamment celui de la fusion-acquisition, Jean-Pierre apporte son soutien et son expérience pour guider les dirigeants d’entreprise.

“Après avoir créé et vendu ma propre société, je me suis dirigé naturellement vers la transmission d’entreprise pour partager mon expérience. J’ai aujourd’hui plaisir à intervenir auprès des dirigeants pour les accompagner sur tout le processus pour les conseiller dans cette aventure longue et remplie d’obstacles.”


Partenaire M&A
Grand Ouest

Ingénieur de formation, Régis a rejoint dans un premier temps, un grand groupe du BTP. Puis, à la recherche de projets construits autour des hommes, il a rejoint une PME régionale spécialisée dans la couverture et l’étanchéité.

Ensuite, passionné par l’entreprenariat, Régis a repris une PME régionale, puis une autre sur Paris, dans le même domaine d’activité, menant, en parallèle d’autres projets (création d’entreprise, business Angel,…).

Après la cession de ses activités en 2023, Régis se consacre aujourd’hui au conseil technique dans le BTP, à l’expertise judiciaire et au conseil du dirigeant de PME. Il mène aussi en parallèle une activité d’intervenant en philosophie pour les enfants des classes primaires.

“Parce qu’une cession d’entreprise n’est pas qu’une affaire comptable et juridique, l’expertise d’Alexandre a été capitale dans la cession de mes entreprises. Animés par une volonté commune, Alma Deals & Conseils et moi-même veillerons à vous accompagner au succès”

Alexandre AIDOUDI

Président d'Alma Deals

Graduated with a Master’s degree in Organization, Strategy and Information System at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Alexandre began his career as M&A manager responsible Deloitte Group origination department.

Alexandre then discovered the world of business by leading the acquisition department of AFD TECH group, which is now part of Accenture.

Passionate about entrepreneurship, Alexandre co-founded in June 2018 a subsidiary dedicated to M&A operations within an accounting firm member of the NEXIA International Network that he managed for 5 years.

Aware that human relations and independence are key in his profession, Alexandre decided to take his independence and create ALMA DEALS & CONSEILS.

“We will make every effort to ensure the best possible operation that is often that of a lifetime. The company is part of the family, we try to take care of it whether for your projects of sale (majority or total), acquisition or financing.”


Mission Director

Radia joined Alma Deals & Conseils at the end of 2023 after working for three years as a project manager in a Parisian investment bank.

Radia is a graduate of Grenoble Ecole de Management (Master specialized in Corporate Finance).  Through her past professional experiences, Radia will ensure responsiveness and proximity throughout your project.

Her course has brought her extensive knowledge in financial and accounting analysis. which will help carrying out your projects.

“At Alma Deals & Conseils, we know that your projects are the ones of a lifetime, we will make sure we make them happen together.”


M&A Partner
Rhône Alps - South East

Aged 53, self-taught but with 30 years of experience in the IT department, Frédéric started his career in 1991 with a software publisher Magic Software, before joining in 1996 the company AXIALOG at the age of 26, where he started as a Business Engineer and finished 15 years later as Group Sales Director in France and Benelux by supervising the groups 400 employees.

After the sale of AXIALOG in 2010, Frédéric decided to create his own IT services company (ESN) ARBEN. Present in Paris, Lille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, the PACA region and Brussels, ARBEN has grown to 70 employees.

In 2019, after meeting Alexandre, Frédéric decided to sell his company to a large French group AFD.TECH.

3 years after the sale of the latter, Frédéric launches two last major challenges.

The first is to have created an ESN called FENIIX and the second is to launch alongside Alexandre in the M&A business with a specialization for the acquisition and sale of companies in high tech sector.

“Entrust us with your lives, entrust us with your acquisitions or sales projects, and make your dreams come true”

Jean-Pierre CAPEL

M&A Partner
Rhône-Alpes - South West

Graduated with a master’s degree from KEDGE Business School, Jean-Pierre has worked in the IT field for more than 25 years.

First as a sales engineer, then a sales director, regional director and finally founding director, Jean-Pierre sold his company, created in 2015.

Today he’s a consultant to managers in different fields, particularly that of mergers and acquisitions, Jean-Pierre provides his support and experience to guide business owners.

“After creating and selling my own company, I naturally moved towards the transfer of companies to share my experience. Today I have the pleasure of working with managers to support them throughout the process to advise them in this long adventure full of obstacles.”


M&A Partner
Western France

Régis initially joined a large construction group. Then, in search of projects built around men, he joined a regional SME specialized in roofing and waterproofing.

Then, passionate about entrepreneurship, Régis took over a regional SME, then another in Paris, in the same field of activity, leading, in parallel with other projects (business creation, business angel, etc.).

After the sale of his activities in 2023, Régis is now dedicated to technical consulting in construction, legal expertise and advice to SMEs managers. At the same time, he also leads an activity in philosophy for primary school children.

“Because a business sale is not just an accounting and legal matter, Alexandre’s expertise was crucial in the sale of my businesses. Driven by a common will, Alma Deals & Conseils and I will ensure that you succeed”