Our expertise

Alma Deals & Conseil supports you in every type of operation by implementing a tailored process that ensures dynamism and efficiency.


The advantages of Alma Deals & Conseils in a sales process.

1. Targeting

"Our teams are working on drafting the approach documents: Teaser and Information Memorandum. These deliverables provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the company's strengths and growth drivers (planned operations, history, organizational, structural, and financial elements)."

2. Direct approach.

This step involves defining a list of potential counterparts to contact. Our network and numerous operations lead us to target companies with obvious synergies. We have knowledge of investment rationales of the buyers. This is a guarantee of speed and efficiency.

3. Meeting

The purpose of the meeting is to allow the potential counterpart to deepen their questions about your company, and to share your respective expectations. We accompany you at every appointment to advise and guide you throughout the interview.

4. Negotiation

In order to engage in more detailed negotiations, the other party sends a letter of intent.

The objective is to receive multiple offers in order to establish a comparative table (industrial project, valuation, payment schedule, acquisition of shares, asset and liability warranty conditions, support period...).

5. Closing

We're here to ensure that your conditions are met until the final signing of the deal.


The strengths of Alma Deals & Conseils during an acquisition process.

1. Targeting

A successful targeting takes into account various parameters that correlate with your company's strategy, such as workforce, revenue, customers, industries, location, and more. With our internal database and network, we have information about the divestment projects of leaders within your industry.

2. Direct approach.

As advisors, our target audience communicates more easily with us about their projects and company specifications. This allows us to guide the potential seller through a process we have designed. Using a direct approach also keeps you informed of the selling projects ahead of competitors and helps you fully assess the targets to make the best use of your time.

3. Meeting

After defining the target (customer portfolio, revenue per customer, revenue by industry), we schedule the meeting. This allows us to establish a first trust link with the counterpart and to assess the relevance of its acquisition.

4. Negotiation

We help you with the process of valuing the target company and creating a letter of intent that outlines the terms and structure of the deal. Our role as an intermediary allows us to gather initial feedback from the target company and make changes to the offer accordingly. This can be helpful in avoiding misunderstandings or disagreements during direct negotiations.

5. Closing

In coordination with your lawyers, we assist you in the drafting of legal documents until the operation is closed.


The advantages of Alma Deals & Conseils during a fundraising process.

1. Targeting

Our teams are working on drafting the approach documents: Teaser and Information Memorandum. These deliverables provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the company's strengths and growth drivers (planned operations, history, business plan, roadmap, and market analysis). Alma Deals & Conseils is recognized for the quality of its analysis and deliverables.

2. direct approach

This step involves defining a list of potential investors to contact. Our network and numerous operations lead us to target investors with obvious synergies. We are aware of the investment rationale of the funds, which is a guarantee of speed and effectiveness.

3. Meeting

The purpose of the meeting is to give the potential investor an opportunity to ask more detailed questions about your company and to share expectations. We will be there to support and assist you during every appointment, offering advice and guidance throughout the interview process.

4. Negotiation

"To enter into more detailed negotiations, an investor or investors will send a letter of intent. The goal is to receive multiple offers in order to establish a comparative table (industrial project, valuation, payment schedule, stakeholder involvement, conditions of asset liability warranty, support period...)."

5. Closing

The "closing" refers to the moment when documents are signed and payment is made. We are here to ensure that your conditions are met until the final signature of the transaction.

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